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The Emotion Code and Body Code
Release trapped emotions from your subconscious mind to give your body space to heal.


Are you accepting your limitations, thinking that pain is normal?

Have you been told that nobody knows what's wrong with you?

Most people ignore their emotional guidance system and suffer needlessly.

Are you aware that you are pure energy? Emotions are also pure energy. Trapped energy becomes an imbalance that might lead to a problem. Trapped emotions may cause physical problems and may also cause emotional and mental problems.

Studies show that our subconscious is about 95% of our intelligence. Research has found our subconscious is a massive database. How can we then release  trapped emotions for abundant health, love and happiness?

An Emotion and Body code session with a certified practitioner can help ease emotional discomfort, remove a potential underlying cause of illness, help move out of the past and into the present and process our feelings better. 

The Emotion Code and Body Code is considered energy medicine.

The Emotion Code and Body Code lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind in an easy and non-invasive way. It reveals how emotionally charged events from our past can still be haunting us in the form of trapped emotions; emotional energies that literally inhabit our body. The Emotion and Body Code has helped ADD/ADHD     Anxiety     Allergies       Asthma      Back pain     Chronic Fatigue Depression           Digestive problems         Eating disorders      Fibromyalgia  Headaches     Insomnia        Obesity       Panic Attacks    Migraines       Sinus problems and more.

Perhaps the most important discovery Dr. Bradley Nelson,  a holistic chiropractor, who developed the state of the art healing technique, has made, is that trapped emotional energies will often gather around the heart, creating a "Heart-Wall" that may block us from giving and receiving love freely. 

The Emotion Code and Body Code is a powerful and simple way to help reset patterns, and allow the mind to focus on the positive instead. Releasing trapped emotions often results in the disappearance of physical problems, self-sabotage, and recurring relationship difficulties. Our certified  Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner, Anke Cacciola, works closely with clients to design a treatment program that suits their individual needs. Ankes passion is holistic healing. She has an affinity to find the right approach for each client with the objective of achieving their goals.

Are you ready to heal and create the life you always wanted? Call our office today to make an appointment: 904 797 9937  (Advanced Healing Therapies. Co.) SESSIONS CAN BE DONE IN PERSON OR OVER THE PHONE.